Monday, October 13, 2014

followers of my faith [Mormon Monday 56]

I'm really not into the Harry Potter movies. A few years ago when either the 5th or 6th came out I was at a party and someone asked me if I'd gone.

"The only way I'm seeing that movie is on a date," I proclaimed. "Otherwise I'm just probably not going to."

They were surprised, and I have continued to surprise myself by pretty much never going to movies anymore. Unless on a date. (And I'm not going to go to a movie on a date now that Elder Scott has said it's a stupid idea!)

So when I decided I was going to go see Meet the Mormons it was kind of a humbling thing. I had to give up my pride to go to the theater (as a 5th wheel, mind you) and experience the big screen.

But I'm glad I did it. Meet the Mormons is a good show. I was engaged in the stories they told (man, I am so not into documentaries usually either) and I think I got the message it was supposed to convey: that being Mormon has shaped the lives of these people in a positive way. And it can shape my life in a positive way too.

If you haven't seen it, I recommend it.

And I ... will probably not go to another movie anytime soon.

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