Thursday, January 9, 2014

reading line by line

I started off this year reading the Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner, backwards, starting with A Conspiracy of Kings. It's making me question whether I want to keep track of all the books I read in 2014, or just the new ones, or maybe just the good ones.

Especially since I got a bookshelf for Christmas and as part of my New Year's holiday I brought down from home most of my books. Well, at least half of them. And quite a few from home that aren't mine (mostly those are ones that I need to read). But having so many of my favorites in such close proximity makes it all the more likely I'll reread a lot of them.

Since I reread books fairly regularly I thought about making my criteria for what I recommend from 2013 "Books I would read again" but life is kind of short and I really enjoyed a lot of books I don't need to read again.

So that's been my dilemma, and that's why it's been more than a week since I said I would post my recs. But I'm going to do it.

From the last quarter of the year I would highlight: The Chaos of Stars, Shadows, All Our Yesterdays, For Darkness Shows the Stars, All the Truth That's In Me, The Clockwork Scarab.

But you know what I didn't include in that list? Sequels to books I really enjoy!

So here is my list of Favorite Ongoing Series of 2013:

  • Sammy Keyes by Wendelin van Draanen -- this series is almost over and I've almost outgrown it, but I'm determined to stick it out through the end
  • Finishing School by Gail Carriger -- the first two books in the series are out, Etiquette & Espionage and Curtsies & Conspiracies and I have enjoyed them both. It's nice to have a YA story set in this world.
  • Code Name Verity and Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein -- Both of these books are masterpieces. I discovered them because someone on the internet was lambasting another WWII-era female protagonist novel for being exceedingly wrong about historical facts and they said "If you want accuracy about what women did during WWII read Code Name Verity." So I did.
  • The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater -- The first two books in the series are out (The Raven Boys and The Dream Thieves), and I hope they don't stress you out as much as they do me (in the best way, though!).
  • The Woodcutter Sisters by Alethea Kontis -- When I first read Enchanted I thought it made a great one-off novel that mashed all the fairytales together just the way I like. This year the sequel Hero came out and I just realized I remember about nothing of this book. But I'm still interested in the series.
  • The Fire and Thorns Trilogy by Rae Carson -- Good news! This trilogy is now complete. Now I can reread it.
  • Elemental Blessings by Sharon Shinn -- I fell hard for Troubled Waters when I got it for Christmas lo these many years ago. I was very excited for an unexpected sequel in Royal Airs and it didn't disappoint. I have been trying to decide if there's going to be another one in the series, and my gut says "yes."
  • Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer -- Cinder and Scarlet are out. The next one, Cress, comes out next month. I'm pretty excited about that. (Also how clever is it to call a Rapunzel-like character "Cress"? I love it.)
So there's a touch of recommendation from me. Not meant to be comprehensive (I'm pretty sure it's impossible for me to be comprehensive about books people should read).


Stephanie said...

Thank you so much for posting this! I'm always looking for new good books to read (although I have read several of the series on your list and I agree they are good!).

Leslie said...

You should DEFINITELY check out all the books I recommended from the last quarter of the year. You may not enjoy all of them but they're all within what I'd call "normal range" of what we both like.
