Apologies (?) for not posting in so long; I have had things to say, but I really, really didn't want this blog to become "Leslie Complains about her hair and boys Extravaganza" because that's pretty boring.
So! I will avoid mentions of those topics. Instead, I will discuss something I noticed last night.
We were watching Inkheart. My brother started it in the middle so I've only seen about half of it -- think that was enough. I couldn't even make it through the book (or if I did, anything past the first few chapters made no impression on me -- it was a long time ago) but I thought the movie was okay. Especially since it was pretty clearly over at the end.
What interested me was, when I would point out a plot hole like, "If they just doused the place with gasoline, they shouldn't have to go up and down every hall setting it afire," or "If she knows that her mom's going to be killed by the Shadow anyway, she has no incentive to read it out of the book," my dad would say, "I was just thinking that!"
Sorry for any spoilers that may have occurred in that paragraph.
It's clear to me that my dad and I have a similar wavelength when watching movies. I can't think of any specific examples besides last night, but I'm pretty sure similar interchanges have happened before. My dad's pretty cool.
And then my mom! We're on a similar wavelength too. We take gold at synchronous sighing. We'll often say the same thing when replying to my sisters. Finishing each other's sentences is pretty common too. We spent a lot of time together this summer (and, I guess, the past semester as well) and the number of times I would say something and she would say, "Yeah, I was just thinking that," even if it was totally random and not related to the topic at hand, is impressive.
So, here's the big question: if I'm so much like my parents in this way, how is it that my siblings and I are so very different? Did I just win the "Most Like Parents" award? I think that must be it.
Ha ha!
"Recessional" ~ Vienna Teng
New Year, New Blog!
Eight and a half years ago, I started this blog on a whim. I didn't know
what I was going to blog about, but I knew that as a newlywed I was
probably suppo...
6 years ago
I'm feeling DEEPLY cheated out of the complains about boys extravaganza (o:
This is funny because I can see so many of my similarities to Mom and Dad and yet don't feel particularly similar to any of my siblings (even you). I guess we all acquired different characteristics.
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