Sunday, July 12, 2015

you are my friend

Two of my dearest friends have birthdays within a day of each other. I thought I'd write up a little blog post about why I love them both. (I could do one of each, but people already can't tell them apart so I may as well exacerbate that situation.)

Cynthia is my go-to hangout buddy.
Photo shamelessly stolen from Cynthia's blog.

We have so much fun together! She is kind (but not so nice she's boring), beautiful, and funny. She also thinks I'm funny which is definitely a point in her favor. We talk most every day, especially on gchat. It's great to have someone keep you company at work and she is excellent company. We have similar taste in books and help motivate each other to do social things (or, on very rare occasions, validate each other in not doing anything social). We also love to play piano together. I'm so glad she's in my life.

Corinne is my most long-standing roommate.

I have never ever had such a caring roommate as Corinne, and I only wish I could be like her. She too is beautiful, kind (but not so nice she's boring), and funny (and thinks I'm funny. Like, really funny). She is also brave. Since I've lived here she's gone forward with her life in so many ways that I admire so much. I also like to talk to Corinne at work. :) Plus she is very patient with me, which is an excellent trait. We also love to play piano together. I'm so glad she's in my life.

Cynthia and Corinne are also friends with each other! And we are all of us friends together!
This was more than a year ago. And we miss you, Rachael

We like to play piano together (well, we've done it a couple times) and talk about how our lives have come to this. I'm not surprised they're friends (because they're both SUPER AWESOME), I'm just grateful either of them are willing to be friends with me. I wish I could think of all the things I want to say about these wonderful women, but feelings make me uncomfortable so I'll leave it at this.

Happy birthday, both of you! I love you!

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