Monday, June 22, 2015

followers of my faith [Mormon Monday 78]

Yesterday was...sort of rough. I ingested caffeine without thinking through the consequences of that action. The main consequence is that I talk faster. I talk so much faster that my brain (not always engaged at the best of times) has no way to keep up. Essentially, my filter disappears.

Awesome! (This is why I avoid caffeine. Yesterday was an accident.)

By the end of the day I wanted to stamp this sentence permanently into my brain:

The meek think of more clever things to say than are said. - Elder Neal A. Maxwell
 Nice, right? I've never met a sentence that needed to be my motto more. Someone should make it into a pretty graphic so I can make it my desktop, phone background, and also maybe tape it to my hand. And then it can make the rounds on the internet.

Ideally it would look better than this.
I made this myself. I don't think I had to tell you that.

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