Monday, October 7, 2013

followers of my faith [Mormon Monday 10]

I like to think I'm better at this than I used to be, but does that thought negate itself?

This is a nice definition because it still leaves room for a healthy self-esteem and lack of obsequiousness. All you have to do is admit you're wrong. Easy-peasy.

On a completely unrelated note, I watched the BYU-Utah game with a huge bunch of people and it was so fun. I don't usually watch football and I remembered that it's because I get caught up and just as stressed as any of the fans. Thinking about that evening in the context of this quote (because it wasn't actually completely unrelated) is really interesting. The ratio of BYU to Utah fans was about 80/20, but there wasn't much ganging up going on (and after the first quarter there wasn't much point in heckling, was there). There were certainly lots of people concerned about who was right when it came to penalties called. But that's only to be expected, right?

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