Monday, September 21, 2009

dark curtains drawn by the passage of time

Happy Birthday to this blog! I can't believe it's been a whole year since I started. All those creative thoughts rattling around my head (thanks, Engl 218R) and I never gave voice to most of them. Maybe someday they'll reappear. Maybe someday I'll have more creative thoughts.

It's interesting that this is the anniversary because today marks the start of my new life as a cancer-free online seminary secretary/coordinator. Phew, it's a big job! But very exciting and I'm happy.

The year saw lots of changes (most of them not documented, of course). I wonder what the next year will bring?

"Recessional" ~ Vienna Teng

1 comment:

brittna said...

Leslie...i had no idea you had cancer - but I am SO happy that you're cancer free. Also - i LOVE Vienna Teng...did you know she's coming to Salt Lake in December?? Yep - well I love you my distant friend....

