Thursday, December 24, 2020

songs [Christmas 2020]

 I prepared three Christmas songs this year that I will now share with you in the spirit of the season.

None of them are perfect, but they don't need to be. It's all right to showcase that I am a work in progress and celebrate the small successes. Also, I had to do three because I haven't posted anything since September, so I gotta catch up.

I was asked to provide an organ solo version of O Come, All Ye Faithful for our ward Christmas program. I knew about it for weeks but when the time came to show the music chair what I'd come up with I still only had the intro in mind. We pulled something together and I got my sister Kyra (a professional arranger -- check out Kyra Moon Music) to help me with the third verse. And so it was.


I worked on two Christmas songs for voice lessons this year. Neither of them truly got performance-ready, but I'm glad I recorded them when I did (because now I have covid and I am scared of singing).

I selected I Wonder As I Wander as a classical piece because I've always thought it was lovely. The lyrics aren't super meaningful to me, but I do like the pensiveness of pondering the condescension of Christ. What love that showed.

And finally, I have loved this song for 15 years but it's pretty uncommon. I was looking for a jazzy number and decided to try to learn this one. I mean, I learned it. I just didn't perfect it. (The copious laughing is because I didn't know I was gonna do hand gestures until I was doing them, and they were so cheesy!) I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm

And if you're somehow still looking for more Christmas music content from me, check out last year's post! A compilation up to that point.

Christmas 2019


mommykay said...

Thanks for the new post. Eager to spend some alone time listening. So sorry you are ill. How are you feeling? Love you. Grandma R.

mommykay said...

All three songs were wonderful. I especially loved "O, Come All Ye Faithful." It is one of my favorites. Love you.
