Wednesday, August 12, 2015

the stars are dancing

I don't know how I knew my 10,000th day was coming up; I just did. About a month ago I had a moment of panic that I'd missed it, so I looked up a little calculator to help me determine when I would be 10,000 days old.

It's today!

The only thing I ever think of when pondering such a milestone is Howl's Moving Castle (the book, not the movie). In it, the fact that Howl is 10,000 days old is a plot point! Based on John Donne's poem "Song."

Today I did not get with child a mandrake root or find what wind advances an honest mind. I had some party ideas to do with those things though. (I was too lazy to have a party. I made a Facebook event and didn't invite anyone; my family still said they'd come.)

However! It is the Perseids tonight so I could, reasonably, go and catch a falling star.

After all, Howl did.

And nothing bad came of that at all.

1 comment:

mommykay said...

Happy 10, thousandeth and first day.
