I work in my state's capital city now*. The other day I thought of some reasons it's nice to live here and not in my actual home. Here is a list:
1. Classical 89. It is a magical radio station that is not that boring considering it's classical music. Also this one time I entered a contest to win Hale Center Theatre tickets and I won, so that's bonus points. If I'm listening to it all the way home (to Logan) I don't lose it until Brigham City, but you can't get it any further north. So it's pretty great to listen to it here.
2. Mountain. There are mountains at home too, but they're not quite as, dare I say, impressive as the ones here. I live right below this one, which I think is pretty neat:
3. Restaurants. So many restaurants here! There's all the chain restaurants, of course, but lots of little hole-in-the-wall places that I am dying to go to and will probably never get to because I don't like to eat out alone and don't know how to get people to go with me. I really enjoy languishing in their menus though.
4. Train. We don't have trains at home. I hate driving downtown so public transit is a good fit for me. Even though the trains often smell bad (due to the people) and can be crowded with people who can be strange, it's an experience that you don't get to have if you drive every day. (Some people might think that's a benefit. But I get so much reading done.)
And that's all I've thought of. Other things I like about my life can be found other places (like a friendly ward and a library -- no wait, the library is pretty cool lemme tell you about it)
5. Library. The library closest to me is not much to look at. I've heard the other library closest to me is much more impressive, but I haven't gone over there to check it out. Besides, my library does what I want it to, and collects all my holds. Because see it's connected to a giant County System that will transfer books to other locations for its patrons to read. So I am often getting books from all the way across the county and that is pretty neat. I love having a library. I guess other places have libraries like this but at home our library, while impressive, doesn't have the transfer feature. Also the self-checkout.
I think that's all. I will never ever make a post about the things I don't like about living here, so don't hold your breath for it.
*This is for anonymity because it's important to not tell people where you live. But telling people your hometown and showing them pictures of local mountains is fine.
[Title Text: "Shine"]
New Year, New Blog!
Eight and a half years ago, I started this blog on a whim. I didn't know
what I was going to blog about, but I knew that as a newlywed I was
probably suppo...
6 years ago